
Mais de 3.720 Empresas de Mediação Imobiliária. Quantos Trabalhadores com vínculo efectivo haverá?

Contratos precários sobem na Função Pública


E a propósito:

Quantos Contratos de Trabalho Efectivos haverá por atacado no conjunto das 3.720 Empresas de Mediação Imobiliária Associadas em www.apemip.pt ?

O acréscimo do número de empregos na Administração Pública entre 1999 e 2005 foi também acompanhado por uma intensificação da precariedade das relações contratuais. Actualmente, há cerca de mais oito mil funcionários com vínculo considerado precário, sendo que este número não inclui a situação dos trabalhadores da administração local.

Os contratos administrativos de provimento, contratos de trabalho com e sem termo, tarefas e avenças constituem actualmente a relação jurídica contratual de 133 475 empregos das administrações Central e Regional. A estes há ainda a somar mais cerca de 4800 vínculos desta natureza que "resultam" do universo dos "desconhecidos". Este valor corresponde a 20% do total, pois, como referiu o secretário de Estado da Administração Pública, os "desconhecidos" terão um perfil idêntico aos já referenciados, ou seja, 80% entraram na Função Pública por nomeação e os restantes não.

Tudo somado, os vínculos precários rondam actualmente os 138 mil, quando em 1999 eram cerca de 130 mil. Esta diferença peca, ainda assim, por defeito, uma vez que o recenseamento de 1999 inclui os funcionários das autarquias e na Base de Dados da Administração Pública (BDAP) agora divulgada não é possível verificar qual a relação jurídica do emprego destes funcionários da Administração Local. A esta falha não será alheio o facto de as autarquias terem carregado directamente a informação relativa a apenas 60 mil dos seus 130 mil funcionários.

Uma das maiores subidas verificou-se ao nível dos tarefeiros, que em 1999 eram apenas 1928 e agora são 6910 só na Administração Central. …

Já ao nível das nomeações (o chamado vínculo à Função Pública), os números não deverão ter sofrido grandes alterações, apesar de não ser possível fazer comparações directas por também na actual BDAP faltar informação sobre a Administração Local. Ainda assim, e admitindo que nas autarquias, à semelhança do que acontece nas Regiões e na Administração Central, as nomeações representarão 80% das relações jurídicas e contabilizando igualmente os "desconhecidos", verifica-se que este tipo de vínculo manterá o seu peso na estrutura da Administração Pública. Eram 578 mil e agora serão aproximadamente os mesmos.
( JN 21/09/06 )

A APEMIP surgiu como Associação Patronal em resultado da fusão ocorrida em 19 Out 2004 entre a APEMI e a AMIP. Congrega mais de 3.500 Empresas, ...

Lista de Associados da APEMIP


A APEMIP surgiu como Associação Patronal em resultado da fusão ocorrida em 19 Out 2004 entre a APEMI e a AMIP. Congrega mais de 3.500 Empresas, ...


Outras Informações

A APEMIP surgiu como Associação Patronal em resultado da fusão ocorrida em 19 Out 2004 entre a APEMI e a AMIP. Congrega mais de 3.500 Empresas, ...perfazendo o total de 20.000 Profissionais ligados a esta actividade imobiliária.

20.000 Profissionais?
3.500 Empresas?

Como é?

A referência a "...perfazendo o total de 20.000 Profissionais ligados a esta actividade imobiliária" é abusiva, são palavras que de modo algum podem ser aceites como reflectindo a verdade, como razoáveis.

Os Profissionais do Imobiliário (Mediadores que não são Proprietários de Empresas, e os Angariadores Imobiliários) não foram convidados para integrarem a APEMIP, não têm voto na matéria na APEMIP, não têm naturalmente capacidade eleitoral alguma dentro da APEMIP, não sendo de modo algum representados pela APEMIP em Portugal.

Como escrevíamos à NAR Realtor nos USA...

But, you shall know that the words …”, what includes more than 20,000 Real Estate Agents working in the Country….” are abusive, they are words that should in no way be accepted as true and reasonable.

The Real Estate Agents (Brokers who are not Broker-Owners and Real Estate Agents as we call us in Portugal “Angariadores Imobiliários”) were not invited to APEMIP, have no word to say inside APEMIP, can not vote for the different leader APEMIP leading Committees and are in no way represented by APEMIP Organization in Portugal.

No single Portuguese Real Estate Professional...will never have the means nor the right to join NAR International REALTOR(r) membership.


From: asangelo@gmail.com
> Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 7:31:00 AM
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Realtor.Org Feedback :
> » To
> Hello,
> My name is António Manuel da Silva Ângelo.
> I am a portuguese citizen and I work hard in the Lisbon region.
> I am a Real Estate Agent dully resgistered at the Official Real Estate
> Department of the Portuguese Government, IMOPPI

Let me know please the means and procedures I must follow to become a NAR
> member or the means we have to create a NAR associated Group in the
> Lisbon Region, Portugal, if possible.
> Looking forward your important news
> kindly yours
> January the 9th 2007
> antonio silva ângelo
> phone +351 96 7 80 40 56

> (Document link: Realtor.Org Feedback :



para mim, NARGlobe

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13:45 (8 horas atrás)

De: infocentral@realtors.org

Enviado por: realtors.org

Para: asangelo@gmail.com

Cc: NARGlobe@realtors.org

Data: 09/01/2007 13:45

Assunto: Re:Realtor.Org Feedback : http://iprofs.blogspot.com/

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Thank you for contacting NAR's InfoCentral. I am forwarding your inquiry to our International Section for follow up.
If you need further assistance, please contact InfoCentral at 800-874-6500 or email:
Please note: we receivethousands of emails each week, so unless
you reply with your original comment or question (or previous email
replies), it is difficult for us to respond quickly. If there has been previous
email correspondence, -please- include it when replying to this mail.

Outro Departamento da NAR NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® respondeu-nos igualmente:


para mim

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14:56 (7 horas atrás)

De: narglobe@realtors.org

Enviado por: realtors.org

Para: asangelo@gmail.com

Data: 09/01/2007 14:56

Assunto: Fw: Re:Realtor.Org Feedback : http://iprofs.blogspot.com/

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Dear Antonio:

Please visit our web site for more information on how to join the International Network of the National Association of REALTORS.


Warm regards,


antónio silva ângelo

para narglobe

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21:08 (1 hora atrás)

De: antónio silva ângelo

Enviado por: gmail.com

Para: "narglobe@realtors.org"

Data: 09/01/2007 21:08

Assunto: Re: Fw: Re:Realtor.Org Feedback : http://iprofs.blogspot.com/

Responder | Responder a todos | Encaminhar | Imprimir | Adicionar remetente à lista de contatos | Excluir esta mensagem | Mostrar original | Texto de mensagem truncado?

NAR globe

Dear NAR globe Officers

Thank you for your follow up.
I'll visit
www.realtor.org/international right now.
I'll keep you informed of my visit results, or I 'll put you the right questionsI'll need to clear up.
I'll be then looking forward your important and urgent news.

Kindly yours
January the 9th, 2007

ant silva ângelo

2007/1/9, narglobe@realtors.org <narglobe@realtors.org>:

E de novo voltámos a escrever à NAR NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, com um comentário de fundo, a pedir uma tomada de posição da NAR NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®

NAR globe

Dear NAR globe Officers

Thank you for your follow up.
I’ve visited www.realtor.org/international right now.
Accept please herewith my visit results, and help me on the exact questions I'll need to clear up.
I'll be then looking forward your important and urgent news and answers.

www.realtor.org/international we can read:

Applicants for International REALTOR® membership must meet the following requirements:



and then we may look for of the Cooperating Association in Portugal and find out


National Association of REALTORS® International Network

The following database provides contact information for the National Association of REALTORS® International Network of 71 national real estate associations in 55 countries as well as the NAR Ambassador Associations and President's Liaisons assigned to each country.


PortugalAssociação dos Profissionais das Empresas de Mediação Imobiliária de Portugal

Jose Eduardo Macedo

Executive Officer:
Rute Alexandre

President's Liaison:
Marsha Price, CIPS

Ambassador Association:
Massachusetts Association of REALTORS®

But it happens that Portugal Associação dos Profissionais das Empresas de Mediação Imobiliária de Portugal is no Association for Real Estate Agents and Professionals in Portugal.

It is on the contrary an Association for Real Estate Agencies, for Companies, for Broker-Owners.

Not for Brokers (Brokers who are not Owners), neither for Real Estate Agents, or Angariadores Imobiliários according to Portuguese law.

As a matter of fact, we may read:

APEMIP is a Broker-Owners Association as a result of the union on Oct the 19th, 2004 between APEMI and AMIP. … APEMIP welcomes more than 3,500 Real Estate Agencies (Companies) working in Portugal, what includes more than 20,000 Real Estate Agents working in the Country.





But, you shall know that the words …”, what includes more than 20,000 Real Estate Agents working in the Country….” are abusive, they are words that should in no way be accepted as true and reasonable.

The Real Estate Agents (Brokers who are not Broker-Owners and Real Estate Agents as we call us in Portugal “Angariadores Imobiliários”) were not invited to APEMIP, have no word to say inside APEMIP, can not vote for the different APEMIP leading Committees and are in no way represented by APEMIP Organization in Portugal.

So, please, accept my word:

Your requirement … NAR requirement…

National Association of REALTORS®
International REALTOR® Membership
For Non-U.S. Real Estate Practitioners ONLY

Benefits of International REALTOR® Membership include:

Applicants for International REALTOR® membership must meet the following requirements:

This is an undue and illegitimate requirement.

If we keep and follow it, no single Portuguese Real Estate Professional (no Broker who is not a Broker-Owner, and no Angariador Imobiliário or Real Estate Agent) will never have the means nor the right to join NAR International REALTOR® membership.

Will you be so kind to answer me back, please.

I’ll thank you so much.

I'll be then looking forward your important and urgent news.

Kindly yours
January the 9th, 2007

ant silva ângelo

CBR is a local trade association, chartered by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR)

Member Services : Professional Standards

Professional Standards

The Columbus Board of REALTORS® (CBR) is a local trade association, chartered by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), charged with the responsibility of enforcing standards for professional conduct, or the Code of Ethics, within the board's membership.

Though not a governmental or licensing agency, upon receiving a formal complaint CBR may through its Grievance and Professional Standards Committees conduct investigations and hearings involving members to enforce those professional standards.




One type of investigation that may be conducted is called an "Ethics Complaint", which pertains to alleged violations by a member of one or more of the 17 Articles of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®.

The other type of investigation is called a "Request for Arbitration." An arbitration hearing, or the alternative service of mediation, will determine disputes over real estate commissions that arise between REALTORS® and other REALTORS®, or between REALTORS® and their customers or clients.

Any professional standards complaint received, as well as any material related to a complaint received, is considered to be strictly confidential in nature. Both the Grievance and Professional Standards Committees are responsible for ensuring due process is afforded to all parties, whether it be in the conduct of a hearing to enforce the Code of Ethics or in the arbitration of commission disputes arising out of the real estate business.